I have been linking to the non-existent Reading page for three months now, so I thought it was about time I actually created it. You can find it in the ‘Creativity & Technique’ menu bar item.
Essentially it’s just a bibliography of some books that I have found creatively inspiring in some way. It is not exhaustive by any means, so I may well add to it over time, although I also don’t want it to become an unwieldy list of every book I ever read.
The only other caveat is that is a very personal list and in no way a general list of books which people will find creatively useful. There are books in the list which fulfil this role, but many are much more particular to my own creative interests.
I am also regularly posting a more detailed rundown of books that I am reading or have been inspired by over on my Substack, where I am also posting updated articles every week. The picture below will take you there, where you can subscribe for free.