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DUST - track breakdown

This here is the inaugural video for the new Youtube channel and website tutorial project. I still can’t be sure exactly what future format I will use for these videos, but for now I thought that I would start with a simple walkthrough of a track that I have already done, and that has been on general release for 8 years already.

A few things about the video

  • The session has been made ‘cleaner’ to make the presentation clearer, but i realised afterwards that it might also be nice to see behind the scenes a bit more and see all the hidden ideas that went into the final result.
  • The window is large and some of the graphics small so let me know if it is too illegible, and in future I shall record at a lower screen resolution.
  • This is in honour of the BBC2 learning zone, from whence I first gleaned production knowledge from Roni Size. Respect to Roni.

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  1. Love Over Will 3:16
  2. Eirini Pt.2 VII 9:11
  3. Star At The Summit 3:12
  4. Carlos 4:19
  5. Portal III 9:22
  6. A Light Beyond - Clip 1 1:12
  7. Dust 3:54
  8. Greek Mode 4:10
  9. Erini Pt.1 VII 6:51
  10. A Light Beyond - Clip 2 1:20
  11. Word 2:53
  12. Haud Close Tae Me [Instrumental] 4:30
  13. Geodesic 5:50
  14. A Light Beyond - Clip 3 1:44
  15. PP 6:36