It has taken me a while to announce these, but i shall be working on two new commissions this year.
The first is for Festival Interstice in Caen, France. It is a collaboration with artist Paul Duncombe, based on work he undertook in the South Pacific on undersea habitat and the life of the reefs and deep sea. The name Tapemoana is taken from the Tahitian for “beginning of the deep blue”.
The initial performance will be in the St Julien church in Caen on July 4th 2024, with a follow-up at Sonica, Glasgow in September.

Wind of the Sun
The second commission is for Cryptic, to be performed at Sonica 2024. ‘Wind of the Sun’ is still very much in the development phase, but will be an intense piece reflecting the archetypal forces at work in the world. T
he initial performance will be site-specific for the amazing acoustic of the Govanhill Baths in Glasgow, and incorporate live brass, electronics and a mutli-speaker array.
I will be updating about both projects as they develop.