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Thought I’d better post about the new live shows, as I’ve changed things round a bit for the new album.

I’ll now be doing two different shows as Alex Smoke, one for dancefloors and one for watching and listening.

The first is like my old live show but totally reworked and incorporating new hardware and nearly all new music. It will be billed as the usual ‘Alex Smoke Live’.

The second is a much more esoteric mix of sound and visuals, and aimed more as a gig, with Florence To in charge of the visual elements. It will be billed as ‘Alex Smoke – L.O.W A/V’.

I’ll be posting a dancefloor live set soon, but for now these videos are teasers for the A/V show.

R&S 1403MusicNews

R&S 1403

alexsmokemusicalexsmokemusicFebruary 28, 2024
Initiation MixMusicNews

Initiation Mix

alexsmokemusicalexsmokemusicFebruary 28, 2024


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  1. Love Over Will 3:16
  2. Eirini Pt.2 VII 9:11
  3. Star At The Summit 3:12
  4. Carlos 4:19
  5. Portal III 9:22
  6. A Light Beyond - Clip 1 1:12
  7. Dust 3:54
  8. Greek Mode 4:10
  9. Erini Pt.1 VII 6:51
  10. A Light Beyond - Clip 2 1:20
  11. Word 2:53
  12. Haud Close Tae Me [Instrumental] 4:30
  13. Geodesic 5:50
  14. A Light Beyond - Clip 3 1:44
  15. PP 6:36